Wednesday, 15 April 2015

St. Anne's Art Exhibition Entry Form 2015

St. Anne's Art Festival 2015 dates

Saturday 18th July - Sunday 26th July 2015

As in previous years, there will be a main Art Exhibition where local artists are invited to exhibit. 
We are still in negotiations at present, but we are hoping for a central exhibition space (possibly Soper's) and maybe several smaller spaces around St. Anne's. Information will be updated as and when it becomes available. 
However, we are already anticipating a bigger and better exhibition than last year.
Call-out notices for Artists will start going up in local libraries, colleges, community centres etc. in the next few weeks, but we aim for a varied and diverse range of work from professional, student and amateur artists.

Artists wanting to exhibit should:
- register their interest via email/phone (in order to gauge numbers)
- fill out the entry form (to be brought along on hand-in day or emailed in advance)

- 2 (or possibly 3) pieces, depending on size and how much space we will have. 
Paintings/photographs/drawings/mixed media should be ready to hang with cord/wire and have a fixed label on the back and one on the front with name, title, medium and price clearly written. 
- No commission and no fee.
- Sculpture etc. please contact me to discuss options.
- hand-in days/times to be confirmed, but will be between Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th July.

If anyone is also interested in invigilating an exhibition space, please let me know.

01253 421264 (answerphone)